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Notifications in fynk

Never miss a deadline again!

Sebastian Nedoma avatar
Written by Sebastian Nedoma
Updated over a week ago


fynk provides a variety of default notifications, along with the option to customize them to your needs. Whether you prefer updates for specific dates or recurring events, notifications via email or in-app, this article will cover everything you need to know.

Document Notifications

fynk provides the following document-based notifications by default:

Comment Created

This notification is sent to all tagged users (internal and/or external, tagged via "@") and the document owner. It is triggered whenever a comment is added to the document.

Document Fully Signed

This notification is sent to all document members, both internal and external. It includes a PDF and a link to the document in fynk.

Document Moves to Signing Stage

This notification is sent to all document members, regardless of their role (internal or external). It is triggered when the signing stage is initiated by any party or user.

Party Ready for Signing

This notification is sent to all document members, internal and external, when an external user clicks "Approve for signing"

Checkpoint Approval Required

This notification is sent to users responsible for approving the current checkpoint. It is triggered as soon as a checkpoint starts. By default, the user receives a reminder every two days until they approve or decline.

Signature Required

This notification is sent to all signatories required to sign the document. It is triggered when the signing stage begins. By default, reminders are sent every two days until the document is signed or the signing process is canceled.

Document Approaches Notice Period

Internal document members receive this notification two weeks before the document enters its notice period.

Calculation of Notice Period:

  • [Notice Period] = [Contract End Date] OR [Contract Renewal Date] - [Notice Period]

  • Example:

    • Contract ends or renews on: 15.01.2025

    • Notice period: 2 weeks

    • Approaching date: 31.12.2024

    • Notification sent on: 17.12.2024

The metadata used for the calculation are [Contract end date] and [Cancellation notice period].

Document becomes effective

Internal document members receive this notification two weeks before the document becomes active.

The metadata used for the calculation are [Contract start date] and [Effective date].

Document expires

Internal document members receive this notification two weeks before the document expires.

The metadata used for the calculation is [Expiration date]. It may also be automatically calculated from the [Contract end date] (if no [Renewal duration] is defined) or from the [Termination date] ([Termination date] + [Cancellation notice date])

Document approaches renewal date

Internal document members receive this notification two weeks before the document renews.

The metadata used for the calculation is the [Contract end date] (if [Renewal duration] is set)

Document Notification Hierarchy

You can adjust the following aspects of notifications, depending on the type:

  • Reminder Interval: How frequently reminders are sent.

  • Scope: The recipients of the notification.

  • Trigger Time: When the notification is sent.

Global customization

Document notifications can be globally customized by users with the "owner" or "admin" role via the following link: fynk Account Settings - Document Notifications.

Template-Based Defaults

You can set default notification settings for a template. These defaults will be inherited by all documents created from that template.

Document-Level Customization

Notifications can also be customized on an individual document level. Changes made at this level will override any settings inherited from the template or global defaults.

Hierarchy of Changes

  1. Document-Level Changes: Always take precedence over template or global settings.

  2. Template-Level Changes: Override global settings but are overridden by document-specific changes.

  3. Global Changes: Apply to all documents that have not been customized individually or do not inherit settings from a template.

This hierarchy ensures flexibility in managing notifications while maintaining control over global and template-based defaults.

Automated Tasks

Apart from the default document notifications, you can use Tasks to get notified for additional custom events.

Tasks will work quite similar to the document notifications for Contract start or Contract end. You basically choose or create your own date type metadata and a time you want to be notified in advance.

Each document that has a set value for that metadata will then create a task for the specified scope of users.

Global tasks can be managed by users with "admin" or "owner" role here.

Target Audience for Notifications

Notifications are always intended for document users. Within the notification settings, you can target different types of document users:

  1. Owners

    • Owners are always internal users.

    • Typically, the document owner is the person who created the document.

  2. Collaborators

    • Collaborators can be either internal or external users.

    • Any user listed in the "Internal Access" or "Share Externally" sections of a document, who is not a document owner or signatory, is considered a collaborator.

  3. Signatories

    • Signatories can be either internal or external users.

    • Any user assigned to sign the document is categorized as a signatory.

By targeting specific user types, notifications can be tailored to ensure the right users receive relevant updates at the appropriate time.

Additional Notifications

fynk also offers some additional notifications that are not listed above, mainly because they are not customizable. Some examples would be:

User invitation

Document invitation

Password reset

Personal preferences

All notifications can either be received in app or via email (external users will always exclusively receive emails).
Each fynk user can define their own preferences in their profile settings via

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